My 2021 HNG goals

My 2021 HNG goals

Designer to Frontend Developer


The 8th cohort.

What's HNG? Its a 3-month (8 weeks) remote internship designed to find and develop the most talented software developers (and designers). You advance by completing and passing the tasks, which are given weekly.

HNG is not for complete beginners however, and so it may be quite difficult if you have no prior tech knowledge. However, Zuri fills that role quite nicely. Check it out here


I'm currently a junior designer, and I want to branch out in tech and I chose frontend. Why frontend? Well, its to achieve the following goals:

My Goals

1) To learn how to interpret, implement, and code designs

2) To learn the basics of front-end - HTML, Javascript, CSS

3) To learn other programming languages like Angular, Vue.js, React, e.t.c

4) To come out more rounded in tech, with new skills and experiences

Frontend Developer Requirements


As a frontend developer, some design knowledge will come in handy. Here's a link to a beginner tutorial on design, using figma


How will you track changes to your files? What about coordinating among other programmers? This is where GIT comes in. You can not become a frontend dev without learning how to use it, and here's a video showing you how to


You'll be designing webpages, you know that, right? Frontend is basically the UI of developer stacks. And the language for this is HTML. If you don't know how to use it or want a refresher, watch this-


You thought I'd forget? O wrong nau. How can I? I mean, who doesn't know you need JS for frontend. It's Javascript, by the way, for the unenlightened. It's the world's most popular programming language. Here's a link to see how it works-

And thus, I come to the end of my short article. I will be using it to track my progress. Fingers crossed (and lots of elbow grease and prayers) I see this through to the end. Thank you for reading to the end.

Arigato gozaimasu